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How To Get Over a Short Obstacle with Rifle and Sling Using a Double Handed Vault Technique

Short excerpt from our Combat Mobility series discussing weapons management and the use of different sling set ups on our online university. I put this series together because as much as these topics seem like common sense, watching students navigate our Combat Mobility Conditioning Course I have seen a lot students fighting with gear and getting tripped up and tangled. Hopefully this series and this video here will help streamline the learning curve for everyone.

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Don't Be An Easy Target! How To Maximize Your Cover Using Dead Space

If you have good situational awareness for your surroundings you can start to identify good points of cover and assess the best approach to get to them. This may not always be running in a straight line to the piece of cover though. Side to side movements in relation to the threat may in some cases get us behind cover more quickly and make us a harder target to hit for the bad guy. The longer we are exposed the more time they have to set up an accurate shot as well. For a further breakdown on this topic please join us for our private online training platform the "FSW University" which can be found here on our website.

Hoist (on the tshirt) provides IV level hydration. This is a great drink for long days on the range or in the gym. Use code FSWTEAM when you order for discounts. Stay hydrated!


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FSW Lifestyle

This video is from the 2022 FSW Protectors Summit. Rich covers the FSW Lifestyle and how using it as a guidepost can positively impact your life.

The next Protectors Summit is scheduled for Feb. 3rd-5th, 2023 at Deepwoods USA. Early bird pricing is in effect until Dec. 7th so get your tickets now and then take an additional 10% off with the code GRAHAM10 at check out.

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Intro to the Protector's Summit

Elliot Hulse invited me onto his podcast and we had a chance to really discuss the Protector's Summit.

If you are on the fence about going, give this a view and then get your ticket for the 2023 event.

Sign up here.


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Getting off line and stacking

In this video I demonstrate running backwards vs getting offline and how to use stacking to your advantage.

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Full Spectrum Warrior Pillars: Taking Ownership and Being Honest

In this video I cover the first sword or pillar in the Full Spectrum Warrior Lifestyle: Taking ownership and Being Honest.

There is no growth potential without being able to take a realistic look at where you are currently and how you got there. But this step isn't complete until you own the actions that it took to get there without blaming other people.

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Free Will

mindset Nov 01, 2022

What are your thoughts? Love to hear them below.

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The Threat of Distractions

mindset Oct 18, 2022

Have you thought about the consequences of that distraction or that excuse and what it could cost you?


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"Slow Is Smooth, Smooth Is Fast" or "Fast Is Fast"

Rich shares his thoughts on which one he believes is correct and how to get fast.

Check the calendar for the next Strategic Thinking Under Stress so you can test what you've trained.


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