I had the pleasure of being a featured instructor with Safariland Group and am happy to share that video now. In it, I discuss muzzle discipline.
For more on muzzle discipline, I invite members of the FSW University to check out the Combat Mobility System where we cover this much deeper.
Short excerpt from our Combat Mobility series discussing weapons management and the use of different sling set ups on our online university. I put this series together because as much as these topics seem like common sense, watching students navigate our Combat Mobility Conditioning Course I have seen a lot students fighting with gear and getting tripped up and tangled. Hopefully this series and this video here will help streamline the learning curve for everyone.
This overview explains a key concept for all our work in a non-linear threat environment.
Members should check out the rest of the Combat Mobility System to work this concept in all planes (prone, kneeling, squatting, etc)
If you aren't yet a member, checkout the FSW Online Training University.
Watch the video above and learn how to maneuver your weapon if you need to climb over an object.
For more on maneuvering with your weapon, members of the Full Spectrum Warrior University should check out the Combat Mobility System.
Not yet a member? Consider joining now and getting instant access to the Full Spectrum Warrior training library.
Check out this video for the hinge technique from the combat mobility system.
Members of the FSW University can check out the rest of the combat mobility system series here.
Not yet a member? Consider joining today and get instant access to the complete Full Spectrum Warrior Library.
Here is a short excerpt from a fundamentals course we ran out here on the ranch. Many times when new shooters get started we see them adjusting their heads to their sight vs bringing their sights up in front of their eyes. This can lead to poor body position, losing focus of the target during weapon manipulations and the potential of never acquiring the sights at all under stressful situations (looking over the pistol).
Here are a few tips and things your can do to help make sure that you can properly acquire you sights and watch the "field" through your weapon manipulations. For more information and a deeper dive into these specific fundamentals join us on the FSW University and check out these 3 training series:
-The Combat Mobility System
-Training The High Ready Position
-6 Fundamentals For Defensive Pistol
Many of us are familiar with rolling our feet heel to toe and keeping the knees bent to steady the rifle while shooting on the move. Here we breakdown the body mechanics even further with some students on the range. Walking with a wider stance and/or feet on an angle will make your hips sway left to right as you walk making your sites sway across the target side to side. By keeping you feet straight and walking with your feet narrow (like walking a tight rope) you will immediately see a reduction in sway while you move. Hope that helps!
In this video I discuss whether the High or Low Ready is better. The answer? It depends on the situation.
Rich covers how to minimize malfunctions while shooting from the urban prone.
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