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Point Shoot and Defend at the Same Time Concealed Carry Combatives Drill

Continuing from our last weeks video on Concealed Carry Combatives we also have to take into consideration:
1-our point shooting from the hip (as many practice) might not hit the target when we are both moving
2-that one shot may not immediately stop the threat especially with a pistol caliber so anticipate that you will need multiple impacts and more time addressing the threat
3-the attacker will most likely not stop after one attempted strike and will chase and continue to attack
4-point shooting can be done with hands high you you can look done the slide of the pistol for better accuracy and a more defensive position


Check out our course calendar for the next concealed carry combatives course.

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How to Engage a Threat From Your Back Create Space and Stand Up

Many street fights go to the ground and we may find ourselves in a situation where we need to create space and manage our firearm to engage the attacker and keep our guard up while creating space to safely stand. Here is a quick excerpt from last weeks Concealed Carry Combatives training.

Check our course calendar for the next concealed carry combatives course.

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Drawing From the Seated Position

How sick is it in movies when the bad guy storms in and the hero of the scene slides back from their seated position, flips the table in the process, and engages the threat?

Although great for movies, flipping tables may not be the best option. In the video above, I demonstrate how to place your feet so as you stand to engage the threat, your chair is pushed backwards, giving you the space you need.

Be sure to check out the calendar for the next concealed carry combatives course.

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3 Steps to defend yourself from a knife attack

concealed carry Jul 21, 2020

3 Steps to knife defense.

First, get off the line of attack.

Second, if you can, place an object in between you and the attacker.

Third, draw your weapon while on the move.

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How to choose a concealed carry gun

concealed carry Jun 09, 2020

In this video, Rich gives first time gun buyer some pointers for their first concealed carry gun.


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Trigger Discipline on Concealed Carry Firearms

concealed carry handgun Aug 26, 2019

Most concealed carry holders don't carry the full-size handguns that they use and train with at the range. Instead, they opt to carry a smaller frame handgun.

How does a smaller frame impact trigger finger position and discipline?

In the video above, Rich Graham discusses a technique for trigger finger discipline for smaller frames.



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Subsecond Draw

Are you justified in using deadly force in a close combatives situation?

How do you identify if they are using a weapon?

If confronted with a close contact situation:

  1. Stop attack
  2. Create impact on head and neck line
  3. Create space
  4. Then draw firearm if required
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concealed carry mindset Aug 06, 2019

Watch as Rich Graham of Full Spectrum Warrior discusses complacency and mass shootings.

If you have the opportunity to carry and you don't, you're wrong.

What happens if the day chose to be complacent and not carry is the day you needed it most?

Carrying comes with responsibility though. You are of no use to anyone if you don't have the training and physical capability of using that weapon. It requires discipline and dedication.

So find a competent trainer in your area and go train with them. Hone the fundamentals. Invest in yourself. Be an asset to those around you.


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