Watch and learn as Rich provides some knowledge about how to draw less attention to yourself as a concealed carry holder and what to look for in others.
Deciding you want to conceal carry a firearm is step one. Step two is figuring out which firearm is going to work best for you over a variety of situations.
Before we get started, let me lead with an important disclaimer.
One gun is definitely better than no gun at all, but to be honest, a well-rounded CCW holder has a variety of guns for a variety of concealed carry purposes.
When deciding which gun to purchase for your CCW, it is important to embrace the fact that you aren’t searching for the best brand of gun but the best weapon for you.
Not the highest rated weapon on the market or the coolest looking one in the shop, or the one your buddy loves, but a gun that serves you on two fronts:
Let's start with concealability. When our...
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